Power Purchase Agreement
In a power purchase agreement (PPA), the solar equipment is installed by PowerOn Energy and owned by a third-party financing company. While the homeowner or business owner pays a low rate for the energy ($0.149 to $0.229 per kWh, with increases of 2.9% – 3.5% annually), the system owner receives the government incentives for the installation. The benefit to you is that you can get a solar system – and its green credentials and energy savings over the 20-year term – without having to make an up-front investment. At the end of the term, you can either have the system removed at no cost or purchase the system at a fair market price.
Pre-Paid Power Purchase Agreement
Similar to a traditional PPA, a pre-paid power purchase agreement (PPA) is installed by PowerOn Energy but owned by a third-party financing company. The difference is that you pay up-front for the electricity, allowing you to lock in today’s energy rates for the length of the agreement. Again, you get a solar system without having to pay for the investment, and at the end of the term, you can either have the system removed at no cost, renew your agreement, or purchase the system at a fair market price.